Move 92

Website Design
Video movement shorts

A close-up of a child's face is overlaid with the Move92 logo and the text "My mom has a great idea".

This client spent 20 years in Asia getting small amounts of money directly into the hands of grassroots organizations. Their way of working and way of funding was unique, but their model was so successful in bringing real change to communities, they wanted to see if this way of funding would in other parts of the world.

They tested it for 18 months in other countries. It did. They knew they were onto something unique and powerful, so they wanted to launch a global organization.

But their ways of working were highly unusual in the world of international funding. They needed a way to open a conversation and bring people into a dialogue about what they do and why. Everything they showed to the world had to educate and draw people in.  The organization launched in 3 countries. They are now in 13 countries and growing.